Please take a few minutes and look at yourself in the mirror, once you do take a snapshot in your mind of what you see. (stop! do it now)
Walk away from the mirror, find a quiet place with a piece of paper and pen in hand. Then in vivid detail describe what you saw in the mirror. (stop! do it now)
Many of you will describe your physical features – the color of your eyes and hair, facial characteristics, wisdom lines, etc. Why this focus, because we are visual beings.
When I engaged in the above exercise, I described what I saw in the mirror in the following manner:
- A living being with a defined purpose.
- A one of a kind masterpiece.
- A growing and value adding being.
- A passionate leader, who knows how to make things happen.
- A person who can take a group or organization and help them become greater than the sum of their parts.
- An individual who can catch an idea and make it a reality.
- An individual who understands his calling, cause, and destiny.
My outer self is less valuable to me than my inner self because of the value it adds to others.
Word of the of the week: Reflection – the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.
Ask yourself: What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? Why?
Speaking With a Purpose: “I help you bridge the gap between … Where you are versus where you want to be.” My ultimate goal – help you become a better you!