Every step upward means the leaving of something behind and below.
The high is reached only at the sacrifice of the low. The good is secured only by abandoning the evil.
Every animal acquires knowledge, every creeping thing, possesses some gift, some power, which man, in his upward march, has laid down, which he has exchanged for some higher gift or power only by the destruction of ignorance.
Every acquisition has its price, which must be paid “to the uttermost farthing.”
Thanks to all who have died while serving the United States armed forces.
What have you sacrificed for the greater good of others without expecting anything in return? Why is giving willingly with no expectations of anything in return confusing to so many?
Word of the week – sacrifice – an act of offering to a deity something precious.
Speaking With a Purpose: “I help you bridge the gap between … Where you are versus where you want to be.” My ultimate goal – help you become a better you!