Knock, Knock – who’s there? It’s Love.
Knock, Knock – who’s there? It’s Joy.
Knock, Knock – who’s there? It’s Happiness.
Knock, Knock – who’s there? It’s Peace.
Knock, Knock – who’s there? It’s Contentment.
Knock, Knock – who’s there? It’s me. Who’s me? You know me.
Hello me. How are you? Great! Is there any chance I can get to know Love, Joy, Happiness, Peace and Contentment?
I have been searching for them for a long time. Well me, it’s going to be difficult to know these guys. Why said me? I said what I said because you must get to know yourself before these five guys can come into your life and bring real value.
Do you know yourself? Really know yourself? If you do Love, Joy, Happiness, Peace and Contentment have befriended you.
Read, Think and then Act.
Until next time,
Houston out!