Adversity is not reserved for the news media. Even the most fortunate of us has experienced adversity of some type: loss of job, health problems, failed relationships, disappointments at work, financial difficulties, death of loved ones, disappointment by love one or friend, etc.
Adversity has an uncanny knack of paralyzing you, it is critical to keep moving through it. Otherwise, you will be stalled in the grips of your chief pity officer – adversity.
Three ways to move through adversity:
- Take inventory. When you are dealt a loss, you tend to think all is lost. Identify what is lost or changed and what is not. Then, express gratitude for what still remains.
- Convert turning points into learning points. Use your adversity as a time to pinpoint opportunities to improve, learn, grow, rebuild or test your character and faith.
- Plan for the future but live for the present. Don’t obsess about yesterday and don’t be seduced by the promise that tomorrow all will be better.
It will be challenging; however, you must move through adversity and light your own pathway to success!
Quote of the week: “When one door of opportunity closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Helen Keller
Word of the week: Paralyzing – to bring to a condition of helpless stoppage, inactivity, or inability to act.
Ask yourself: Have you been render helpless from forms of adversity? What steps did you take to break its grip?
Speaking With a Purpose: “I help you bridge the gap between … Where you are verses where you want to be.” My ultimate goal – help you become a better you!
Until next time,
Houston out!