If you haven’t clearly defined your values, you may find yourself making choices that conflict with what you want. If, for example, integrity is a big for you, but you hang out with liars, there’s a conflict. When your actions conflict with your values, you will end up unhappy and frustrated.
Defining your core values help you make life simpler and more meaningful. Decisions making is also easier when you are certain of your core values. When faced with a choice, ask yourself, “Does this align with my core values?” If it does, do it. If not, don’t look back. All questions and concerns are eliminated.
Word of the of the week: Core Values – guiding principles that dictate behavior and action.
Ask yourself: Have you identified your core values? If so, do you use them to guide your action and determine your relationships?
Speaking With a Purpose: “I help you bridge the gap between … Where you are verses where you want to be.” My ultimate goal – help you become a better you!