Whatever your task may be, concentrate your whole mind upon it, throw into it all the energy of which you are capable. The faultless completion of small tasks leads inevitably to larger tasks. See to it that you rise by steady climbing and you will never fall. And herein lies the secret of true Continue Reading
G & P
It is granted only to the heart that abounds with integrity, trust, generosity and love to realize true prosperity. The heart that is not possessed of these qualities cannot know prosperity, for prosperity, like happiness, is not an outward possession, but an inward realization. The greedy man Continue Reading
How do you see yourself?
Two people are running a race and they come up to an immense wall blocking their path. One person sees the wall and starts getting down on himself for wasting his time and decides to quit the race before he wastes even more time. The other person immediately thinks about what the possibilities are Continue Reading
Having clothed himself with humility, the questions a man asks himself are: - “How am I acting toward others?” “What am I doing to others?” How am I thought of by others?” “Are my thoughts of, and acts toward others prompted by unselfish love?” As a man, in the silence of his soul, asks himself Continue Reading