Integrity – The core of who you are.
Integrity is Honesty, Uprightness, Trustworthiness, Reliableness, Truthfulness, and Sincerity.
How do we lose integrity?
- Compromise the truth.
- Rationalize the truth.
Lack of integrity consequences.
- Causes erosion of selfesteen.
- Causes quilt.
- Causes confusion.
- Causes lack of peace
- Causes destruction of real relationships.
- There are more unseen consequences for lack of integrity that are suffered short and longer terms.
How do you maintain integrity?
- decide what your convicitions are.
- Submit to righteousness.
- Build relationships with people of integrity.
- Confess your failures.
- Make amends.
Who are you – the real you? When he is insincere, he only fools himself.
Read, Listen, Think, then Act.
Until next time,
Houston out!