Man can be very creative when desired. Yes, I said creative as Fear is not something we were born with.
So, where did this thing called Fear come?
- Parents and other key figures – used as safety mechanisms.
- Our imagination – things we created in our minds to supposedly protect us.
- Ignorance – things we have a lack of understanding.
- Doubt – things we don’t believe or things we question.
What are the consequences of Fear?
- It splits or divides our minds.
- It enslaves us (mentally).
- It causes indecision.
- It stifles one’s actions causing inaction.
- It negatively impacts one’s mental and physical health.
How to deal with Fear?
- Identify your Fears.
- Determine why Fears exist.
- Put actions in place to eliminate Fears.
- Change focus; therefore, mindset. Watch Fears dissipate.
- Change experiences from Fear to Success.
A man wasn’t given Fear but Power, Love, and Sound Mind. The key to dealing with Fear is understanding Power, Love, and Sound Mind.
Power: The capacity or ability to influence the behavior of others (sounds like leadership).
Love: Stong feeling of affection, worth, and respect for another person.
Strong Mind: Independence of judgement, and thought.
Life would be much simpler if we just understood and followed the Good Book.
Read, Think, then Act.
Until next time.
Houston out!