Many of us have suffered from addiction to control. Why? I believe we want to determine the outcome of situations. “Good luck with that determination.”
I discovered many years ago that the desire for control is noble; however, it’s unattainable; therefore, it’s better to understand the Source of power and control. It’s not complicated; however, you must humble yourself.
Man has been able to and will invent many things. But understand man will always have limitations because we would misuse those things that give ultimate power and control due to our selfishness.
Remember, we are an image of the true Source of power & control due to our selfishness.
Use the gifts and abilities you have for the betterment of your fellowman and call it a day. Let your life comprise of making the world just a little better than it was before you can.
We are better working together – always have and will!
Read, Think, then Act!
Until next time,
Houston out!