When life challenges you, and you want to give up. It's in these times that your life starts to take shape and true meaning blossoms. You can blow the world's population mind if you do what's in your spirit to do; therefore, inspiring your universe (people you can influence). Read, Think and Continue Reading
Archives for November 2018
Becoming a better you (Bits and Pieces)
As the heart is so is life. The within is ceaselessly becoming the outer. Nothing remains unrevealed; that which is hidden is but for a time; it ripens and comes forth at last. Thoughts, feelings, seeds, trees, blossoms, and fruits are the fourfold order of the universe. From the state of a Continue Reading
Becoming a better you (It’s as clear as muddy water.)
Our world is in turmoil and pain is becoming a constant versus an exception. We are confused about the cause of our pain, but we know it makes us slash out and hurt family, friends and foes alike. We lash out at Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Brothers, Sisters, Husbands, Wifes, Children, Continue Reading
Becoming a better you (The United States of America)
Pondering a little today and three questions have surfaced: What does the United States of America Democracy mean to you? What are you doing to sustain and improve said Democracy? Could you imagine the United States of America without a Democracy? Reversing our decline's current path Continue Reading