SWAP (Speaking With A Purpose) Nation - I am having one of those days. Our society is quick to label and judge with the intent to break one's spirit, hurt or destroy. Be wise to the deceptive tactics people use in our world, and for those who are using these tactics, you are likely to get Continue Reading
Archives for January 2017
Well poised for success
Many of us are anxious to improve our circumstances but are unwilling to improve ourselves. We are controlled by self-doubt, fear of change, accountability, complacency, or some other forms of negative thinking or self-imposed limitations. Remove self-limiting road blocks from your life; the Continue Reading
Becoming a better you (How you see the world)
"If the only people you are around are negative, you tend to see everything as a problem." "If the only people you are around are positive, you tend to see everything as an opportunity." Who you associate with will have an impact on how you see the world; therefore, will alter your thoughts, Continue Reading
Use what you have before requesting more.
There is no room for a complainer in a universe of law, and worry is soul-suicide. By your very attitude of mind you are strengthening the chains which bind you, and are drawing about you the darkness by which you are wrapped up. Alter your outlook upon life, and your outer life will change. Continue Reading